The Art of Adam Ludwig

#1 Why does an actor becomes an entrepreneur? An American from Colorado moves to Berlin and starts an english speaking acting school.

Adam Ludwig, actor, entrepreneur, teacher
The Acting Muscle &
Radish Lab

#2 How does Adam’s method work?
#3 What makes an actors performance compelling?
#4 How to use acting skills in business?
#5 How does Adam get inspired by other artistic disciplines?

How does Adam’s method work? Objectives, Actions, and Beats help actors to prepare and practice their scenes. This method gives actors tools to develop their craft.
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What makes an actors performance compelling? A special approach to handling the emotions of the characters in the play make all the difference.
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How to use acting skills in business? At Radish Lab Adam uses his learnings as an acting teacher to elicit creativity at business meetings, besides using objectives, actions, and beats to develop a fitting strategy. One of the examples he talks about is „RIGHT BY HER„.
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How does Adam get inspired by other artistic disciplines? One of his favorite. Adam applies his learnings from this movie to his method of acting.
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